5 Ways to Save on Your RV Camping Trip


If you own an RV or are planning a life traveling the beautiful US without motels, a few key pieces of advice can save you on the road ahead. The obvious expenses come to mind like gas, maintenance on the vehicle, and food of course, but consider these other factors  to help save money on your RV trip when beginning to make plans:

#1: Actually plan your trip!

It may seem like it goes without saying, but planning a trip takes a lot more than just the simple logistics. Ensure you are ready to go by keeping your vehicle maintained and up to date, but make sure you have records on hand in the case of an emergency or emergency repairs. This can just serve as peace of mind as you embark on your journey without worry.


On top of simply being organized, it is helpful to do some research ahead of time. Map the route and make plans for stopping points along the way if you have a long distance to go. Don’t be reliant on your GPS or your phone to guide the way - make sure you also have a physical map with you in the vehicle. While our mobile devices do a lot for us when we are at home, on the open road they can sometimes be rendered useless if they can’t connect to a network.

Make sure that once you arrive at your destination, you are prepared for what they have to offer there. At WillowWind, its easy to understand how to prep for your trip with our amenities and features list. If the location you are planning to visit does not have laundry facilities, for instance, you may need plan to stop in a nearby town to manage that errand before continuing on your journey. Not every RV Park or campground allows pets or has open spaces available, so a little due diligence can go a long way.

#2: Learn How to “Camp Cook”

If you’re camping in an RV, remember that you have access to luxurious amenities like pressure cookers or hot plates. Even if you don’t have those tools at your disposal, a fire and a single pot is all you need, but it still should be mentioned that cooking for yourself is a great way to save on the road. Take a note from the first step mentioned above - plan it out!

Certain foods are ideal to bring on a camping trip - anything that doesn’t require refrigeration like fresh produce and fruit can be incorporated into a meal to make it something special, even on the road. Don’t feel limited by cans, bars, or pouches (travel food). Remember to pack good “vehicles” for food - anything you can build upon, like tortillas, sliced bread, or crackers. Save space in your refrigerator or cooler for things that require temperature stability, like meat and or dairy. Sometimes considering alternatives to reduce the worry of wasted food is a smart way to plan, like using a powdered coffee creamer, for instance.

The simple fact is: if you have a kitchen, you may as well use it!

#3: Timing is Everything

If you are lucky enough to travel at your own pace and on your own schedule, take advantage of the “off-season” camping and travel. During the winter, many destinations are open for business and an ideal escape from the winter blues most people become accustomed to feeling. If you are in the Salt Lake City area, a trip to Hurricane, UT is a popular way to escape the frigid inversion. The difference in climate may determine the prime season to visit or the most popular times. Contact the park you’re planning to visit and find out about these details. It’s always a smart idea to plan ahead on booking reservations.

Another huge benefit that can come with traveling during the off season is the cost itself! Many rates will fluctuate based on typical vacation periods throughout the year, so taking advantage of visiting places on your bucket list whenever it is the most cost effective can be a great way to save. Plus, you get the opportunity to visit places that might be less congested and have more opportunities to get to know the staff, explore the sites, and relax.

#4: Save Cents on Gasoline

While it feels small and insignificant sometimes, the difference of one dollar really adds up when you consider you might be fueling up a 100-150 gallon tank quite a few times depending on how long or how far you plan to travel. Even with a marginal difference in cost - 3 cents, would be an additional $36 if you fueled up a large tank 8 times.

Simple research can aid in making this easy to manage on the road. If you are open to downloading an app, GasBuddy or GasGuru will help you track down the best deals, or allow you to easily browse to pick the best station in your radius.

#5: Ask the Experts!

Here at WillowWind, we are ready to assist our campers and guests. We can offer advice on places to visit, things to do on a budget, or even find things to do on site. We also recommend signing up and becoming a member of clubs for like-minded individuals who love to travel this country. Join Good Sam to receive awesome perks like free shipping from camping gear websites, discounts on campgrounds or fuel, and even use their resources to plan your trip!

While Good Sam is probably the top club to join first, consider also looking into other clubs like Escapees or Passport America for additional options, but going with the theme again here - do your research before signing up to make sure you will benefit from the offers or participating parks.

Now you should feel confident in planning your trip, with extra ways to stay thrifty and maximize the return on your investment into your traveling home! Start planning your trip to Hurricane, UT to see the majesty of Snow Canyon State Park, Red Cliffs National Conservation Area, or Grand Staircase–Escalante National Monument, all located just a short drive from WillowWind RV Park.

Have some additional questions for us? Get in touch with us online or follow us on Facebook and Instagram to take a peek into some of the experiences you could have with us in Hurricane.

Moon Bloom